Cold feet

Map for Mountain Information Network report: Cold feet

Snow conditions

Riding quality was:
Snow conditions were:
  • Powder
We rode:
  • Dense trees
  • Open trees
We stayed away from:
  • Alpine slopes
  • Steep slopes


The day was:
  • Sunny
  • Warm
Avalanche conditions
  • Slab avalanches today or yesterday.


After the storm passed we headed out to Cold Feet under clear blue skies and without any wind. As we climbed up a very large crown of an avalanche started poking through the trees in the alpine. We were surprised by how fresh it looked and as we were discussing that, we heard another avalanche rumble down. We couldn't see it because of the forest but it sounded large and went for a while. We figure at least a size 2 as it sounded like a meat grinder 😬

Our snow pit on a west aspect, treeline slope showed no signs of instability but with clear evidence from the natural avalanches we had all the info we needed! Stuck to the sheltered trees and found amazing conditions.